Partner with RiseUP Coaching to TURBOCHARGE your practice profitability!

Your success is our success, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Why invest in TC Training, your New Patient Experience, Practice Growth Goals, and Sales Growth?

Because our economy is always changing, competition is rapidly increasing, and the 'old school' way of hosting consultations and training TCs is less effective than ever before.

Financial growth and stability require adopting new sales methodologies, understanding how your primary shoppers make decisions, empowering TCs with sales confidence and autonomy necessary to optimize conversion, and delivering a value-based experience that distinguishes you from your competition.

RiseUP Coaching offers multiple TC Training Packages and Practice Growth Partnerships:

Small Investment with Big Benefits:

Partner with RiseUP Coaching for 30, 60, or 90 days of Treatment Coordinator Training to hone TC sales skills, address specific training needs, elevate experienced TC confidence and leadership, modernize your New Patient experience, and boost conversion!

Comprehensive Practice Growth Support with Guaranteed Results:

Partner with RiseUP Coaching for 6 or 12 months and receive guided, customized support that guarantees elevated practice profitability, heightened TC leadership, sales confidence, and an undeniable NP Experience that earns more same-day contracts! This partnership works closely with Doctors, TCs, and the admin team that directly influences conversion.

Discover your untapped professional GREATNESS and maximize practice CONVERSION by partnering with RiseUP Coaching TODAY!

Short-Term TC Training Packages

Customized Treatment Coordinator Sales Training

RiseUP Coaching - Orthodontic Sales Boost Training



This 'quick boost' includes TWO 60-minute Treatment Coordinator 1-on-1 coaching sessions and text/email support M-F. This is ideal for experienced TCs looking to reINSPIRE their sales game.


RiseUP Coaching - Orthodontic Sales Rockstar Training



This ROCKSTAR TC Sales Training includes NINE 60-minute Treatment Coordinator 1-on-1 coaching sessions, 90-days of unlimited access to our online resource catalog, and text/email support M-F.

This is our MOST POPULAR & EFFECTIVE short-term TC training partnership, ideal for established to experienced TCs looking to boost sales confidence, refine skills, improve systems, elevate conversions, and increase practice profitability.


RiseUP Coaching - Orthodontic Sales Supercharge



This 'quick supercharge' includes FOUR 60-minute Treatment Coordinator 1-on-1 coaching sessions and text/email support M-F. This is ideal for established to experienced TCs looking to improve systems and modernize sales skills to support peak sales performance and elevated conversions.


These TC Training packages can include multiple TCs working in the same office for the same Doctor. This training focuses on elevating TC Sales Confidence and Modernizing the NP Experience to BOOST SALES SUCCESS.

If you have a newer TC to sales (either new to Dentistry and/or Orthodontics or experienced in the field but new to Treatment Coordinating)... if you have multiple locations and/or multiple Doctors... if you're interested in making big changes (like becoming fee-for-service, heavily increasing a specific style of treatment, increasing fees, etc.)... if you are underperforming financially and need guidance beyond TC Training... if you'd like to include the admin team, office manager, and/or Doctor(s) in coaching session... or if you're looking for expert guidance in practice growth and goal setting beyond TC Training, please consider either a 6-month or 12-month Comprehensive Practice Growth Consulting Partnership (see below).

Unsure which length of SHORT-TERM TC Training will best support your needs?

Comprehensive Practice Growth Consulting and TC Coaching Partnership

6-Month Practice Partnership

Starting at $2997/mo

  • Modernize Your New Patient Experience
  • Improve Sales Systems
  • Empower TC Leadership
  • Increase Case Acceptance
  • Optimize Conversion
  • Your Elevated Success is Guaranteed!



Your goals are unique.

Your practice strengths and struggles are unique.

There isn't a 'one size fits all' approach to business management, goal setting, employee training, or designing and executing a WINNING client experience.

As an extension of your team, Brooke Oliphant partners with TCs, collaborates with Doctors, and works closely with the admin team to ensure ELEVATED SALES SUCCESS.

12-Month Practice Partnership

Starting at $2697/mo

Our Most Popular Service

  • Modernize Your New Patient Experience
  • Improve Sales Systems
  • Empower TC Leadership
  • Improve Doctor Time
  • Boost Practice Culture and Goals
  • Increase Case Acceptance
  • Optimize Conversion
  • Your Elevated Success is Guaranteed!

The 6-month and 12-month Practice Growth Packages include virtual TC Coaching, access to our online resource catalog, Doctor strategy sessions, one (1) In-Person team observation and training event, and real-time support Monday-Friday.

Don't take our word for it... this is what a few of our amazing Doctors have to say:

Thanks for your incredible coaching and motivation. Last month we had our biggest sales month EVER in the 4 years since we've been open!

Dr. Seth Lucas

You've been amazing for me through this whole process. We've changed a lot for the positive since we started working together and I look forward to seeing what else we are able to do in the future. You have an individualized and caring approach that I greatly appreciate. I am just so grateful and thankful for your help.

Dr. Mark Angeloni

You did a great job for us. We've experienced measurable increases in production and conversion rates and great improvement with our sales process. Thank you!

Dr. Mark Truman

Dr. Tara Gostovich

I hired Brooke Oliphant because I had serious concerns with our NP conversion rate. In less than 30 days, Brooke evaluated my TCs, began training them, and helped us set goals.

From the first month of our partnership, my team has met AND EXCEEDED our monthly goals and we are still going strong almost 6 months later!

I would recommend Brooke to any office who wants to step it up and start crushing some goals!!!

Dr. Guthrie Carr

I highly recommend Brooke.

Brooke helped my TC increase her conversion rate 20 pts over the course of a few months and it has made a big difference in our practice. I have a great employee for a TC, but I struggled to train her myself or find the right resources. My TC has really enjoyed the online meetings. This process has let her feel connected with the art of her profession and given her someone to talk to about the challenges of the job. Overall the doctor time is minimal, but you have to be willing to learn and accept change yourself.

If you believe in hiring great people and then training them, then Brooke is for you.

Why partner with RiseUP Coaching for your Treatment Coordinator training needs?

Brooke Oliphant supports the success of Orthodontic Practices by empowering TCs with the skill sets and confidence necessary to elevate practice profitability.

What can you expect as a RiseUP Coaching private client?

Consider our remote partnership an extension of your team.

Brooke Oliphant will work 1-on-1 with your TCs to inspire unshakable sales confidence, provide industry-specific sales training, and collaborate with you to create a world-class New Patient Experience and a sales process that works FOR YOU, not against you.

There isn't a 'one size fits all' to TC Sales Training or Practice Growth Consulting. Our customized approach centers around virtual coaching sessions, strategy meetings, goal setting, and accountability, to ensure implementation and lasting ELEVATED SUCCESS.

In our experience, self-guided training, templates, and scripts leave you in the same place you started.

Ready to ELEVATE practice profitability and transform your Treatment Coordinators into SALES ROCKSTARS?

Supercharge your client experience, boose case acceptance, refine systems and processes, provide your TCs with industry-leading sales coaching, and achieve financial growth by partnering with RiseUP Coaching!

Brooke Oliphant | RiseUP Coaching - Orthodontic Coaching and Consulting

Hey, I'm Brooke...

an Entrepreneur with 20+ years of business growth experience, plus an OrthoFi AWARDED Treatment Coordinator!

I founded RiseUP Coaching after working in Dental and Orthodontics for 10+ years, with the simple mission to empower Orthodontic Treatment Coordinators with the sales skill sets and confidence necessary to increase practice profitability.


Because I love the business of Orthodontics and have a passion for Treatment Coordinators. We work in a happy industry with an opportunity for an incredibly meaningful impact on the lives of others, yet struggling with sales and employee confidence, happiness, and retention limits the long-term success of the practice.

As an entrepreneur prior to becoming a TC, my approach to Treatment Coordinating was focused on business success like an owner more than an employee. I quickly discovered that earning an 80%+ conversion rate requires delivering a sales experience that skyrockets same-day contracts and dramatically reduces follow-ups.

I was trained to be a 50% converting TC just like the majority of TCs throughout the Orthodontic industry.

To be a ROCKSTAR TREATMENT COORDINATOR requires skills and confidence that exceed what's normal in TC training, goal setting, accountability, and support.

RiseUP Coaching is the culmination of every professional journey I've been blessed to experience and learn from, combined with my passion to positively impact the lives of others and make the world a better place.

RiseUP Coaching - Orthodontic Practice Growth Coach and Consultant
RiseUP Coaching - Orthodontic Practice Consultant
RiseUP Coaching - Orthodontic Consultant


"Brooke Oliphant is a tremendous asset to orthodontic practices and our profession. She is exceptionally well-aligned with the principles and strategies we teach at Burleson Seminars. If her calendar allows, I highly recommend you work with Brooke to coach your treatment coordinators."

- Dustin Burleson, DDS, MBA | Burleson Seminars -

What our Treatment Coordinators have to say:

"Hi Brooke! I'm really excited to share this with you! 6 new patients and all 6 were same-day starts!"

- Treatment Coordinator -

“This has been so helpful!!! Thank you! You rock!”

- Treatment Coordinator -

"I felt that I was trying, trying, trying and not getting anywhere. I knew that I had performed better in the past and was struggling to figure out why what I was doing before wasn't working anymore. It also feels good to have somebody like Brooke who truly understands the role of a TC and the roller coaster of emotions that comes with it. Not many other consultants seem to have the same firsthand knowledge that Brooke does. I feel she does a great job of modeling and practicing what she preaches. I also feel supported by our leadership because they chose to invest in coaching even though we are a high-performing office."

- Treatment Coordinator -

"The coaching from Brooke is very motivating!"

- Treatment Coordinator -

"I love the positive feedback and support from you! Learning new verbiage is helpful and makes me more confident."

- Treatment Coordinator -

"It has been a great experience to be coached and taught new skills and mindsets."

- Treatment Coordinator -

"I feel like Brooke takes the time to understand what is going on and not only does she point out what she notices but she also helps find a solution."

- Treatment Coordinator -

"I have had this huge shift in confidence. Not only about the doctors, orthodontics, and the office, but in myself. I feel since we started implementing new ideas, I go into each consult KNOWING I will get a start."

- Treatment Coordinator -

"I feel since we started/signed up with you it's given me permission to be myself more... just wanted to share with you and let you know how much I appreciate you and all that you are doing not just for the office but for me. Thank you!"

- Treatment Coordinator -

RiseUP Coaching and Consulting

Answers to our most asked Questions:

What is RiseUP Coaching?

A combination of 1-on-1 coaching calls with Brooke Oliphant and your Treatment Coordinator(s), Doctor goal-setting and strategy sessions to assist in implementation and customization, and self-guided online resources.

What does RiseUp Coaching cover in coaching material and custom training?

We cover everything from goal-setting, strategy, accountability, the new patient experience, pre-selling, non-doctor consultations, reduced doctor-time consultations, same-day contracts and same-day starts, sales mindset, sales confidence, improving systems, follow-up strategy, selling to the needs of your shoppers, exceeding expectations, and navigating push-back. . . anything and everything related to the Treatment Coordinator delivering a "WOW EXPERIENCE" 100% of the time.

How will Brooke assist the practice in overall growth and goal-setting?

From day one, we learn where you're at currently and what growth and success look like for you.

Then, we create an action plan that ensures we're working toward achieving your short-term and long-term goals by supporting the sales team with tools, mindset, and systems that support growth.

This valuable component of sales coaching ensures the changes recommended and implemented align with your growth vision, core values, personality, and practice goals.

© RiseUP Coaching LLC | Brooke Oliphant | Chandler, AZ | Serving the USA & Beyond